Jesus exhorted his disciples to not hinder children from coming to him. Certainly, this includes children with special needs. We are responsible to communicate the gospel to them as well as their families. Families living with a disability are under intense pressure and their struggles are all-consuming. We as the body of Christ have an incredible opportunity to bless these families by loving and journeying with them, by pointing them to Christ, and by providing safe and consistent classroom care for their children. This will also enable the parents to attend service and be refreshed and strengthened in their faith. Likewise, serving children with special needs helps us to better seek God as part of a diverse community.
Our Buddy Ministry is led by Debra Bennett in conjunction with our Children’s Ministry Director, Cristin Wise. Volunteers are trained and coordinated to serve children with various special needs one-on-one. (All buddies must complete our CM training process.) Buddies help their child participate in the classroom as much as they are able and comfortable while also ensuring that parents’ care instructions are followed.
We ask all parents of children with special needs to help us serve you by completing this form with questions related to your child’s care. (Download the special needs intake form here and return it in person or electronically to Cristin Wise.)