Nehemiah 4:1-23, “Providence and Progress”
Speaker: Brad Evangelista Series: Nehemiah Passage: Nehemiah 4:1–23
Intro: In Nehemiah 4:1-23 the rebuilding of the wall continues and the people begin to tire and face even more intense opposition. This time though it moves from mere words to the threat of actual violence. From this chapter we can learn much from how Nehemiah wisely motivates and leads his people, and how progress, even under God's providence, is painful.
other sermons in this series
Dec 6
Nehemiah 13:1-31, “Messy Maintenance”
Speaker: Brad Evangelista Passage: Nehemiah 13:1–31 Series: Nehemiah
Nov 22
Nehemiah 12:1-47, “Thanksgiving, Process, and Providence”
Speaker: Brad Evangelista Passage: Nehemiah 12:1–47 Series: Nehemiah
Nov 15
Nehemiah 11:1-36, “A People on Mission”
Speaker: Brad Evangelista Passage: Nehemiah 11:1–36 Series: Nehemiah