Our sermons and additional teaching from Sunday Morning Classes and Midweek are available online! You can browse through our messages by series, catagory, date, or speaker. You can also subscribe to our podcast using iTunes or Spotify.
Sermons from this Series
Jun 9
SMC: New Testament Survey (The Apocalypse)
Speaker: Tyler Kirkpatrick Series: SMC: New Testament Survey
Jun 2
SMC: New Testament Survey (The General Epistles)
Speaker: Tyler Kirkpatrick Series: SMC: New Testament Survey
May 26
SMC: New Testament Survey (The Pauline Epistles)
Speaker: Tyler Kirkpatrick Passage: Genesis 1:1 Series: SMC: New Testament Survey
May 19
SMC: New Testament Survey (The Gospels & Acts)
Speaker: Tyler Kirkpatrick Passage: Genesis 1:1 Series: SMC: New Testament Survey