Dear CrossPointe,
As Pastor Brad mentioned, we are taking a short summer break from our Hebrews series, and the plan is to dive into selected Scripture passages from the gospels where we see various people encountering Jesus. I have the privilege and joy to start off this series on Sunday.
I want us to carefully consider the words of the Lord Jesus Christ to a crowd in Mark 8, specifically looking at verse 34. We will see the demands of what it means to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, and I pray that this text would encourage and challenge us at the same time.
I would like to encourage you to read Mark 8:34–38 for context if you can before Sunday. Please pray that the Lord would equip me for the task of preaching. Pray that he would prepare our minds and hearts to receive what he would teach us from his precious word. I look forward to worshiping with you Sunday.
Love you, church!