This week we’ll finish 1 Corinthians 9. Frankly, the more I stare at this text the more it convicts me.

These are a few of the questions I’m wrestling with as I read this text: How important are souls to me? Do I really believe that people need to be saved? Do I actually live like heaven and hell are real? Am I a faithful steward of the gifts Jesus has given me for His mission?

My prayer is that God will stir our hearts and rouse us from our slumber this Sunday. Here are few things you can do to warm and prepare your heart:

1. Read 1 Corinthians 9:19-27 (stare at it, wrestle with it, read it again and again).
2. Pray for God's Spirit to simultaneously convict and encourage us to be a people on mission for Jesus.

Grace and peace,
