Dear CrossPointe,
This Sunday we’ll be looking at a portion of one of the most well-known and loved chapters in all of the Bible, Luke 15. This chapter contains Jesus’ famous parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son, which is the parable we’ll dig into. And while each is a parable in its own right, Luke 15 is actually just one big parable, and the point Jesus is making throughout is that God loves sinners.
Each parable is gloriously marked by finding something lost and the ensuing joy that follows. It really is a beautiful picture of God’s love and pursuit of unbelievers. But make no mistake, this isn’t just a text for those who’ve never trusted in Christ, it’s for all of us. It’s a glorious reminder of a loving Father who lavishes his grace upon those who are undeserving. And this is a reminder we need often, because in our flesh we all desire the way of the prodigal.
I look forward to gathering together this Sunday and feasting on God’s Word with you!