Dear CrossPointe,
I was so blessed by Joseph Davis’ message last Sunday from Luke 7 on Jesus healing the centurion’s servant—so rich and full of truth! I encourage you to listen to it here if you missed it, and pray for Joseph and his wife Emily as he pursues pastoral ministry.
As for this Sunday, we’re going to take a break from our series through John until the new year. Our text this week will be 1 Corinthians 7:29–31, in which Paul gives the church an exhortation on how they are to posture themselves as Christians in a hostile and debased culture.
My goal as we consider this passage is to help us think wisely and faithfully about how we are to live in but not be of this world. It goes without saying that these past few years have been challenging ones in our culture for followers of Christ and the church at large. How are we to live in these days? What do we need to remember most as we plod ahead? I hope to help us consider these questions as we look at this text and apply it to our lives.
We’ll also receive communion together on this first Sunday of December. Let’s prepare our hearts to feast together at the Lord’s Table.
I love you, CrossPointe!