John 65

Dear CrossPointe,

It’s been since June 20 (Father’s Day) that I last had the privilege to stand before you and preach God’s word. This time away has been so helpful for me and I’m grateful for your love and the care of my fellow elders. Thank you!

This Sunday I’m looking forward to getting back in the saddle as we look at John 6:1-15 and the account of Jesus feeding the multitudes. It’s a well known passage—the only miracle of Jesus that is recorded in all four gospel accounts. Clearly it’s a glorious scene, but also stunningly simple and nondescript. The facts are strikingly physical (thousands of hungry stomachs are filled!), but the application is deeply spiritual.

Take a moment to read John 6:1-15 before we gather. You may want to read the other accounts of this event as well (Matt 14:13-21, Mark 6:35-44, Luke 9:10-17). Pray for and expect God to meet and minister to us as we gather. Invite a not-yet-believing or unchurched friend. Come into the building Sunday morning with a mind to give and not just receive. We need one another.

I love you, CrossPointe. I’m eager for Sunday.

In Christ,
