Acts 93–5

Dear CrossPointe,

This Sunday we will be looking at a well-known story from God’s Word, the conversion of Saul of Tarsus on the Damascus Road in Acts 9. One of the reasons this account is so cherished by the church is because it pictures so beautifully the grace of God in salvation. It’s one of those moments in Scripture where we simply have to pause and praise God that he chooses to save those who don’t choose him. In fact, even more profoundly, God is pleased to save his enemies.

After Jesus, Saul of Tarsus, known later as the Apostle Paul, is the single most important figure in the history of the Church. And while we are eternally grateful for Paul’s commission to “carry the name of the Lord” to the nations, we are even more grateful for what his life tells us of our gracious heavenly Father, that like Paul we too can proclaim by faith that “Christ Jesus has made me his own.”

I look forward to digging into God’s Word with you as we gather together this Sunday. Take some time and read Acts 7–9. It will help you prepare well for our text and will certainly cause your soul to rejoice in the Lord!
