Dear CrossPointe,
I’m looking forward to our text this Sunday, John 1:6–13. It’s full of foundational truth about gospel ministry, the doctrine of salvation, and who Christ is and what he’s done. Let’s not come in cold this Sunday. Read the text. Pray for God to warm our hearts and instruct our minds. Pray for conversions and significant progress in sanctification.
Also, if you are a member of CrossPointe, can I encourage you to make coming to our member meeting this Sunday night at 6pm a priority? These meetings are often poorly attended by the membership and I’m not sure sure exactly why. Maybe we haven’t done a good enough job of communicating the importance of these meetings? Maybe it’s a little bit of apathy on the part of some? Whatever the reasons, would you make it a point to come to these meetings if you are a member? They are important for life of our church. I hope to see you there.
I love you, CrossPointe!