Dear CrossPointe,
This Sunday we begin our series through the gospel according to John. This fourth account of the life and ministry of Jesus is surely a favorite of God’s people through the centuries, full of some of the most well-known scenes and passages in the Bible.
Much can be said about the particularities of John as compared to the other gospel accounts. I’d encourage you to spend some time reading the introductory notes from a good study Bible (something like the ESV Study Bible, Reformation Study Bible, or others) and get a sense for the distinguishing marks of John.
As for the purpose of John’s account, he tells us plainly, “These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31).
That’s my hope as we step off on this journey through John—that we might believe in Jesus and have life in his name. For some, that means believing in him for the first time for salvation. For others, it means deepening our belief in Jesus, grounding our lives more fully in him.
This Sunday, we’ll begin with John 1:1–5, a glorious opening that sets the table for the rest of the book.
Looking forward to seeing you Sunday!