2 Timothy 3_16–17

Dear CrossPointe,

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.”

That’s how Psalm 103 begins, and that’s how I want to end 2020 and begin 2021. What an unusual year it has been on so many levels for all of us. My prayer is that the challenges we faced in 2020 would not be wasted, but would instead produce in us humility, compassion, gratitude, and more dependence on the Lord in 2021.

On this first Sunday of 2021, I plan to preach a message entitled, “Living by God’s Word.” It will be from selected passages and will center on how we are to live our lives by the daily “manna” of Scripture. 

Beloved, these are confusing days for us, and we are all being discipled. The question is What or who is discipling us? What are the loudest voices in our minds and hearts? Are they voices from the world or from God’s Word?

This Sunday my aim is simple. I hope to exhort and encourage and motivate us to make 2021 a year of drinking in and being discipled by God’s Word, not the world. To do this, obviously, we must take it in regularly—read it, study it, pray it, and meditate on it. 

As part of that end, I will be using the Five Day Bible reading plan that I used and encouraged the church to use last year. I’ve really grown to love this simple reading plan. It calls for reading five days a week and allows for breaks on the weekend to catch up or focus on other reading. Since it’s a weekly plan, it actually starts the first full week of the year (January 3–9), so you’re not behind! 

Another resource I heartily commend is the Dwell Bible App. It’s an audio-Bible app with a lot of customizable options. You can choose from a variety of voices, background music (or none), various reading plans (the Five-Day Plan is one option), and lots more. It’s really excellent! 

I hope to see you this Sunday! Being the first Sunday of January, we will also come to the Lord’s Table together and receive communion. 

Bless the LORD, CrossPointe!
