Dear CrossPointe,
I’m excited about our text this week, 2 Peter 2:4–10, because I think it will help us see how the Bible fits together as one grand, cohesive story of redemption. The context of our passage is Peter wanting to remind his readers that the false teachers plaguing the church will surely be judged by the Lord. To do that, he points them back to three scenes from the Old Testament that show us how God judges the unrighteous and rescues the godly from trials.
This passage is so full of practical truth for God’s people. I’m really looking forward to digging in with you. On that note, I think you will be helped if you re-familiarize yourself with the story of Noah and the flood (Genesis 6) and the rescue of Lot (Genesis 14 and 19).
Let’s roll up our sleeves and worship God together with our heads and hearts this Lord’s Day.
In Christ,