Dear CrossPointe,
This Sunday we get into 2 Peter 2:1–3 and the real heart of Peter’s concern—false teachers who were secretly bringing destructive heresies into the church. It was a problem then and it is certainly a problem now. Thus, one of the greatest needs of God’s people through the ages is that of discernment. Peter writes this chapter to help the church discern and identify and beware of false teachers.
Beloved, this chapter is so important for a healthy church. We don’t live in a neutral world. Ephesians tells us that our enemy—the prince of the power of the air—is at work in the sons of disobedience. The mission of our adversary from the beginning has been to counter and distort God’s truth and confuse the sheep. But God has given us his Spirit and his Word and one another so that we might discern the destructive heresies crouching at the door of the church.
We’ll start out with just three verses this week, but I encourage you to read through the whole chapter numerous times over the next few weeks. It will immerse you in the seriousness of this issue and the need for discernment.
Finally, we’ll receive the Lord’s Supper together on this first Sunday of October. Let’s prepare our hearts to come to the table together.
In Christ,