I mention often that we all suffer from this dreaded condition of “gospel amnesia.” We are prone to forget, prone to wander, prone to leave the God we love. Of course, the Lord knows this about his people, and that’s a large part of why he inspired Peter to write his second letter—to remind them of things they already know.
Our text this week, 2 Peter 1:12–15, is quite straightforward and clear. Peter gives us a glimpse into the heart of his ministry. He wants to remind them of the things he’s taught them because he knows his time is short and his enemies are persuasive. So, he desires to stir them up by way of reminder so that they will be able to recall what he’s taught after he’s gone. In this short text, we get a beautiful picture of the character and the content of Peter’s faithful ministry. I’m looking forward to thinking through these things with you and applying them to our time and context.
Also, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper this Sunday as we settle back into the routine of communion on the first Sunday of the month. How appropriate that we study a passage about Peter’s ministry reminders as we come to the Table to remember the Lord’s work for his people.
See you this Sunday,