Dear Church,

Our text this Sunday, 2 Peter 1:3–4, is one of the main reasons I wanted to preach through this book in this particular cultural moment. In times of stress and anxiety, even redeemed hearts are prone to wonder, prone to leave the God we love and cling to worldly ideologies and philosophies to get us through. But Peter reminds us that God, in his grace to us, has “granted us all things that pertain to life and godliness.” In other words, God has given us everything we need through the knowledge of him.  

Dear ones, do we really believe this? Oh how we need to be reminded of it! Oh how my heart needs to hear this repeatedly and consistently! God has not left his people to grope about in the dark, leaning on the world for wisdom. Instead, he tells us that he’s given us “precious and very great promises” by which we can become more and more like Christ in this present age. 

Church, we need these truths! We need this text! Again, read the whole letter a time or two before Sunday. Then, drill down on these two verses. Memorize them. Meditate on them. Pray for God to open our hearts and show us wonderful things from his Word. 

Looking forward to Sunday!
