Dear CrossPointe,

This Sunday we are going to dig into a very familiar story, the account of Jesus walking on the water in Matthew 14:22–33. One of my hopes is that we would all come to this familiar passage with fresh eyes! That’s not to say none of us have correctly understood this story in the past, for I’m sure many of us have, but I do believe as we comb through this text we will realize that it is an absolute gold-mine just waiting to be explored. It provides us with the perfect mix of deep theological truth and broad practical application, especially as it relates to dealing with perilous circumstances.

If I could sum up our text in just a sentence it would be this: this story isn’t simply about what our faith can do, but where our faith should be. Too often churches around the world are sold a gospel that rests on the power of the believer (“if we are just faithful enough, then God will…”), but Matthew doesn’t entertain this idea for one moment! The gospel is not powerful to rescue us because we are faithful enough to believe it is so, the gospel is powerful to rescue us because in God’s grace he saved us when we were completely and utterly incapable. Matthew wants us to have a clear picture of Jesus, and in doing so, have a clear picture of ourselves. The call is to shift the faith we are tempted to have in ourselves and our circumstances to Jesus—to become singularly minded in our faith knowing that Jesus alone is our salvation and that nothing can make an effective stand against his grace.

Whether you plan to be at our service in person or join us online, let me encourage you to read, pray, and come ready to glory in the Lord together! I’m excited to enter this gold-mine with you this Sunday!

In Christ,

Tyler Kirkpatrick