
Dear CrossPointe,

This Sunday we’ll be in Mark 5:1–20, looking at the story of a man possessed by demonic spirits. It’s a highly-detailed and lengthy narrative for Mark’s Gospel and one that perfectly encapsulates the power of salvation found only in Christ.

While the story is remarkable for a lot of reasons, it’s particularly notable for its ending. After being freed from demonic oppression, the once-terrifying man proceeds to beg Jesus to bring him along as a disciple, but Jesus says no! Sometimes Jesus transforms his people without transforming their surroundings, but, as we’ll see, that is a particular mercy from our Savior.

My prayer is that you’ll take this text to heart, especially as we find ourselves in various difficult circumstances as a result of national events. Study the text this weekend and ask the Lord to make us heralds of his grace.

Finally, as we anticipate re-gathering on Sunday, June 7, we’re asking everyone to complete a short survey that will help us plan our service(s). Click here to fill it out for your household!

