This Sunday we begin what will likely be a couple of weeks in James 1:12–18. This is such a crucial text for the Christian life and understanding the difference between trials and temptations. In short, trials are things that God uses, in his goodness, to prove and mature his children. Temptations, on the other hand, do not come from God but from our own sinful desires that lure us away. This process results in sin that leads to separation from God, which is death.
But how often we are deceived and don’t understand the difference between the two and are thus prone to doubt the goodness of God! And therein lies the point of this text—James wants to equip his readers with wisdom and discernment so that we can remain steadfast under trial, recognize and fight sin, and not doubt the goodness of God. The result of this will be that God’s children receive the crown of life.
So let’s roll up our sleeves and dig into this text. Read it several times before we gather. Ask God to help us understand it, believe it, and live it. We need this truth, beloved!
What a privilege we have to gather around God’s Word every Sunday! This is how God makes, matures, and preserves his people—through his Word. Let’s not take it for granted!