Hebrews Draw Near
Dear CrossPointe,
Praise God for Logan’s message last Sunday! I’m so thankful for the Copleys’ ministry in Amsterdam at Tyndale Theological Seminary and their time with us over the holidays. Likewise, it was great to visit the Kajubbi family and King Jesus Church with my son Jacob this past week. We had a fruitful and encouraging time of ministry. 
But now it’s good to be home, and I’m really looking forward to beginning our sermon series through Hebrews this Sunday. Hebrews is one of the most beloved books in the Bible for many Christians. I believe this is because it contains the richest and fullest explanation of the Person and work of Christ in all of Scripture. In short, Hebrews is all about the supremacy of Christ—over angels, Moses, the Law, the priesthood, the sacrificial system, and everything else!
Another aspect of Hebrews that stands out: it’s not so much an epistle or letter as it is a sermon. It’s a pastoral word to a group of Jewish Christians who, for various reasons, were considering giving up on Christianity and going back to Judaism. And the author (whose identity we’re not sure of—more on that Sunday!) is exhorting them to hold fast to Jesus and draw near to him. 
So let’s buckle our seat-belts and prepare for this journey through Hebrews. Pray that Christ will become clearer and sweeter to us as a church. Pray that the gospel will work salvation in unbelievers and transformation in his people. Pray that this wonderful sermon/letter will help us hold fast and draw near.
See you Sunday!