Hebrews Series (220416)

Dear CrossPointe,


This Sunday we are going to circle back to Hebrews 4:12–13 and take a deep dive into this all-important doctrine of Scripture. You might think of this Sunday as a bit of a detour from our regular exposition of the letter and more of a topical, doctrinal message on the Word of God. 


Why are we doing this? Because the fiercest spiritual battle facing the church at large in our day is that of authority. Who will the church look to as her authority? Will it be culture? The autonomous notion of self? Or, will it be the living and abiding Word of God? We have to get this answer right as a church and as believers.  


I hope to bolster our faith and confidence in the Word this Sunday with this message. And incidentally, we are going to have the children with us in the sanctuary for a family worship Sunday. I’m glad this is so. Our children need desperately to hear these truths. I’ll do my best to make as much of it understandable to them as possible. 


Looking forward to Sunday,

