Dear CrossPointe,
This Sunday we’ll tackle one of the most popularized scenes in the Bible—the flood account in Genesis 6:9–8:22. It’s a longer passage than we usually cover in one sermon, so I really encourage you to read it before we gather on Sunday. The challenge in studying such a familiar passage is that we are prone to sanitize the scene by reducing it to a morality tale. But this passage is rich with important truths about the heart of the gospel and the character of God (most of which probably won't be in the script of Russell Crowe’s upcoming movie).
I’m looking forward to digging into this incredible text with you Sunday! We’ll also have the privilege to pray for ten families as they dedicate their children this Sunday. Invite a friend. Pray for God to encourage, convict, and give new life in Christ!
Grace and peace,
Announcements & Calendar
March 23—Kids’ Church “Store” || elementary-aged children redeem points collected through the year in Kids’ Church (opportunity to earn points on Sunday as well...)
March 26 (5:45-7:30 p.m.)—Midweek Fellowship || childcare, ministry through 5th grade provided; dinner $5/person, max $20/family; RSVP to
March 27 (7 p.m.)—Young Adult Bible Study || 18 to early-20s; 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month in Classroom B; for more info, contact
March 30 (9 a.m.)—Children’s Min. Volunteer Training || childcare provided; for new volunteers; RSVP to
March 30—No Kids' Church || elementary-aged children worshiping with families
April 9—40 Days for Life || peaceful prayer for the unborn, their families outside Women’s Health Organization (3850 Rosemont Dr.); sign up in the foyer for an hour-long shift
June 23–27—Camp in the City || day-camp for kids (completed K–5th);; scholarships available; host-homes and meals needed for camp staff; contact
Photography Team || record CrossPointe events like baptisms, dedications, conferences, etc.; DSLR and ability to shoot without flash preferred; contact Brandon Barnes (