Dear CrossPointe,
The pastors have been preaching through selected psalms this summer. (If you’ve missed any of those sermons so far, please take a look/listen at CrossPointe’s sermon page. It's good stuff.) What I love most about Psalms is how it is not only descriptive (describing the prayers and circumstances of the psalmists), but also prescriptive (showing us how we ought to pray, praise, mourn, rejoice, etc.). Since the book of Psalms is God’s inspired and inerrant word, it is best understood as God’s word to us about our words to God. What a beautiful and gracious thing to be shown how to speak to God by God himself!
For this reason, I’m particularly excited to preach on Psalm 84 this Sunday. You’ll find its opening words familiar in light of last week’s text, Ps 42–43, which describes the psalmist’s longing for the courts of the Lord, his dwelling place. The psalmist sets his heart on the joyful blessing of the Lord’s presence. Consequently, I’ll look at what exactly makes this place so lovely—a daunting task.
To that end, pray for me as I prepare. And pray for CrossPointe and those in attendance on Sunday that our hearts would understand how lovely the Lord’s dwelling place is. Read Psalm 84 for extra credit. Until then, I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
In Christ,
Robert Ward