John 3 is one of the most beautiful and important chapters in the Bible. Innumerable books have been written about the truth that springs from just this one chapter. Here are just a few simple thoughts. This should be one of those chapters in the Bible that we frequent often.
Some thoughts on John 3:1-36:
- (v.3). We are not born Christians. We are born sinners, and separated from God. Good works, noble intentions, decent morals, ethical standards, none of these things save us. We are physically and emotionally alive but spiritually dead before we come to Christ. Therefore, we must be born again. I’ve heard people tell me they are Christians but not the “born-again” type. Unfortunately for them, there is only one type of Christian, the born-again type.
- (v.8). The Wind blows where it wishes. You can’t make the new birth happen to yourself. God makes it happen. Realizing this is important because it smashes human pride and boasting. This is the point Paul makes as well in 1 Corinthians 1:26-31. Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.
- (v.16-17). Maybe the most beautiful words ever penned.
- (v.27). What a statement. “A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given to him from heaven.” James tells us that every good gift comes from the Father. All the stuff we take for granted should point us toward gratefulness to God. Air-conditioning. Food. Clothes. Salaries. Jobs. Trust funds. Everything. If we have it, God gave it to us.
- (v.36). The wrath of God. Jesus absorbed it, fully, for us. Propitiation is the technical term. It means that Jesus satisfied all of God’s wrath for the sin of all those that would turn and trust in him. That’s why there is now no condemnation for believers, because Jesus took it away.
Grace & Peace,