What a great week it’s been! With VBS in full-swing, there’s been a constant buzz around the church of children singing songs, playing games, making crafts, and hearing biblical truth. We’re so thankful for all the volunteers who made it happen, and it’s our prayer that seeds have been planted in the hearts of our kids so that they might believe the gospel and follow Christ.
It’s always a blessing to be reminded of the simple facts of the gospel. Jesus urged his followers to approach him like children, even rebuking his disciples for their desire to shield Jesus from them, and our text this Sunday, Mark 10:46–52, witnesses to the salvation of a blind man named Bartimaeus whose faith was likewise grounded in a simple, humble statement of who Jesus is. Let me encourage you to read over the passage once or twice before Sunday. I’m looking forward to digging into it together!
As is customary for us, we’ll also celebrate the Lord’s Supper on Sunday, so let’s approach the Lord humbly together and find joy in him!