Dear CrossPointe,
What a joy it’s been to spend the summer looking at various encounters with Jesus. I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say these sermons have been so edifying. This week we continue our series with a look at Mark 2:1–12, the famous scene where four friends bring their paralytic friend to Jesus to be healed. It’s really an exciting and dramatic read, but what’s most amazing is what these details ultimately say about Jesus.
Does Jesus heal the paralytic? Yes, he does. Are the friends and the paralytic commended for their faith? Again, yes. Does Jesus prove his deity? Who’d have guessed, the answer is yes! But in the midst of all of this—and it’s all very important—stands this statement: “that you may know the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” It’s marvelous! It’s amazing! And we’ll seek to unpack it together this Sunday!