Dear CrossPointe,
Greetings from the brothers and sisters in Africa. It’s been a week now since I made it back to the U.S., and I want to sincerely thank you for praying for me while I was serving in Uganda and visiting family in Zimbabwe. I am thankful for Pastor Brad’s helpful message this past Sunday, on “The Foot-Washing Love of Jesus” from the Book of John. I encourage you to listen to it if you did not get a chance to hear it.
I am thankful and humbled for having the privilege to preach this Sunday. We will be taking a break from the Gospel of John to look at Numbers 21:4–9. This is the account of “The Bronze Serpent.” At first glance, the narrative may appear bizarre, but as we look at it we see a picture of the Gospel. I would like to encourage you to read this brief account if you can before Sunday. Please be praying that the LORD would equip me for the task of preaching. Pray that the LORD would prepare our minds and hearts to receive what He would teach us from this passage. I look forward to worshiping with you Sunday.
Love you, Church!
Greetings from the brothers and sisters in Africa. It’s been a week now since I made it back to the U.S., and I want to sincerely thank you for praying for me while I was serving in Uganda and visiting family in Zimbabwe. I am thankful for Pastor Brad’s helpful message this past Sunday, on “The Foot-Washing Love of Jesus” from the Book of John. I encourage you to listen to it if you did not get a chance to hear it.
I am thankful and humbled for having the privilege to preach this Sunday. We will be taking a break from the Gospel of John to look at Numbers 21:4–9. This is the account of “The Bronze Serpent.” At first glance, the narrative may appear bizarre, but as we look at it we see a picture of the Gospel. I would like to encourage you to read this brief account if you can before Sunday. Please be praying that the LORD would equip me for the task of preaching. Pray that the LORD would prepare our minds and hearts to receive what He would teach us from this passage. I look forward to worshiping with you Sunday.
Love you, Church!