1. Our first Sunday in our new building was an incredible day. The Lord has been immeasurably good to us. We are a blessed people.
2. How about the incredible wood crosses on the wall and the new pulpit? Absolutely beautiful! Many, many thanks to Daniel Hord and his assistant David Lee Rice for their craftsmanship in constructing them. Also, you might be interested to know that the wood they used to make the crosses and the pulpit was salvaged from the old Eagle and Phenix mill. I love that tie to historic Columbus.
3. Speaking of thanks, there are so many folks who have poured hours and hours into preparing our new building. I could fill several pages highlighting the sacrificial efforts of many people who have worked diligently behind the scenes. For all of you who have helped paint, move stuff, demolish, clean, unpack, assemble, clean, set up audio visual equipment, move stuff, paint, clean, assemble some more, prepare the classrooms, move stuff, and clean and paint….THANK YOU!
4. Working with John Teeples, our general contractor, has been an absolute pleasure. His patience, flexibility and friendship to us have been invaluable. I cannot imagine having done this project with anyone else. He has become a dear friend to the Tribe.
5. I also want to once again thank all the men who over the past few years have served on our property search team for their diligent efforts in helping us to find and lease this space. Many, many meetings and hours were spent analyzing numerous locations. In particular, David Blanchard and Dykes Blackmon were instrumental in giving leadership to this process. Thank you, men!
6. Finally in the thanks department, I am so thankful for our staff team and the work they have (and still are!) putting into the building. Hollie Farmer and Becca Fincher have been exceptional in their work to keep the church afloat administratively often times without a real office to work from. They have also been the spearhead behind much of the interior design decisions and things look wonderful. Will and Karan Anne Hawk have done absolutely incredible things preparing our youth and our children’s rooms (which are spectacular!). They are a unique and invaluable gift to us as a church. Paul Fincher has done a fabulous job leading us through the technical maze of the audiovisual equipment world and all that we need in that department. He is wise beyond his years and a great gift to our body. Lastly, Reynold’s leadership and attention to the details through this whole process have been indispensible. His friendship, faithfulness, and selflessness are more valuable than I can express.
7. So what now? Is CrossPointe going to change? Well, yes and no. Our location is different and our building is much more functional but our message and philosophy stay the same. Our plan is to make much of Jesus, preach and teach the Gospel and the good doctrine that flows out of it, and continue to strive for biblical community in which we live out the “one another” commands of Scripture. Yes, there will be decisions to be made, growth to be managed, and structure to be wisely be added. But, our heartbeat is and always will be passionately and clearly proclaiming the Good News of what God did in Christ on the cross to save sinners like us.
8. I am so eager to begin our series in First Corinthians. This Sunday I will preach an introductory message on the Corinthian church by looking at how it was started in Acts 18 and then from there we will work through this great letter for several months. I encourage you to read Acts 18 and begin reading First Corinthians on your own. It is a raw and gritty letter from Paul written to a gifted but messed up group of people that God wanted to use for His glory. Kind of like us.
9. Finally, Jesus says in Luke 12:48, “Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required…” May the blessing of this new building not dead-end on us, but may we be a people on mission together to advance the Gospel in our city and world.
Grace & Peace!