Dear CrossPointe,
As 2017 draws to a close, I’m filled with gratitude for the Lord’s grace these past 12 months and eager with anticipation for the year ahead. In April, we’ll have been a church for 13 years! When I take a moment to reflect, it seems like a lifetime ago when we first started meeting in the Old Mountain Hill Schoolhouse, yet at times seems like it was yesterday. This much I know, the Lord has been good to us!
As we prepare to send out a group to plant a new church this upcoming year, we will need God’s continued grace. As we add another pastor to our staff, we will need God’s continued grace. As we send out numerous missions teams to serve our partners around the world, we will need God’s continued grace. As we fight to keep the gospel clear and central, we will need God’s continued grace. As we strive to live together in community as a local church in a way that commends the gospel to an onlooking world, we will need God’s continued grace. And for God’s continued grace to us we must humbly pray and ask him! Join me as we begin this new year asking the Lord to make his face shine upon us!
This Sunday, Robert will preach from Psalm 138, a beautiful text that will help us focus our eyes on the Lord as we begin 2018.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Grace and peace,
Church offices will reopen Jan. 2! Happy New Year!
No Children’s Ministry (Dec. 31) || Kids, join us in the sanctuary! There is no Children’s Ministry, but the Nursing Mothers’ Room is still available.
Elder Candidate Q&A (Jan. 3, 6 p.m.) || Meet elder candidate Paul Fincher! We will be voting to affirm Paul at our member meeting on Jan. 7.
Member Meeting (Jan. 7, 6 p.m.) || Every other month, CrossPointe’s members gather to pray for the church and get updates on various aspects of church life. At this meeting, we will also vote to affirm Paul Fincher as an elder! Childcare is provided, and non-members are welcome to attend.
Men’s Lunch (Jan. 9, noon) || Join us for lunch ($5 Chick-fil-A) as we hear from one of our own! RSVP to Springer Cain.
Women’s Studies || Sign up for one of these studies starting in January!
- Exodus–Deuteronomy: Tues., 9:30–11 a.m., starting Jan. 9 (11 weeks); childcare available; led by Elayne Saucier; RSVP here
- Understanding Spiritual Gifts: Tues., 6–8 p.m., starting Jan. 16 (7 weeks); childcare TBD; led by Melany Raborn; RSVP here
- John’s Epistles: Thurs., 9:30–11 a.m., starting Jan. 18 (12 weeks); childcare available; led by Karen Rosa; RSVP here
Parenting Study (every other Mon., 6:30–8 p.m., starting Jan. 15) || Meet with other parents (or soon-to-be parents) at the Sauciers’ home to discuss raising children in light of God’s Word! Childcare is available. RSVP to Elayne Saucier with the number of adults and children coming.
Starting Pointe Membership Class (Jan. 27–28) || Learn more about CrossPointe and what it means to be a member! This two-part class meets on Sat., Jan. 27 (9 a.m.–noon), and Sun., Jan. 28 (5–7:30 p.m.). Childcare is provided. Sign up by e-mailing Robert Ward.
Winter Clothing Needed || Safe House Ministries needs winter clothing, blankets, and personal hygiene items. Please bring donations to CrossPointe in a bag labeled “Safe House” and leave them behind the info desk in the foyer. Contact Keith Myers with any questions!
Church Plant Dinners with the Hawks || If you would like to hear more about the vision for CrossPointe’s upcoming church plant, e-mail Will Hawk to get on the calendar for an informal dinner at their home.