Dear CrossPointe,

I’m looking forward to this Sunday! Our main text will be just one verse, 2 Corinthians 5:21. This one verse contains an enormous amount of truth and we’ll spend time thinking deeply about the implications of the fact that the incarnate and sinless Son was made to “be sin” for us so that “in him we might become the righteousness of God.” Amazing!

Looking forward to seeing you all!



Christmas Eve Service (Dec. 24, 5 p.m.) || Celebrate Christ’s birth through song, Scripture, and prayer. Kids are welcome to wear their pajamas, and we’ll have cider and cookies as well.
Elder Candidate Q&A (Jan. 3, 6 p.m.) || Meet elder candidate Paul Fincher! We will be voting to affirm Paul at our member meeting on Jan. 7.
Member Meeting (Jan. 7, 6 p.m.) || Every other month, CrossPointe’s members gather to pray for the church and get updates on various aspects of church life. At this meeting, we will also vote to affirm Paul Fincher as an elder! Childcare is provided, and non-members are welcome to attend.
Starting Pointe Membership Class (Jan. 27–28) || Learn more about CrossPointe and what it means to be a member! This two-part class meets on Sat., Jan. 27 (9 a.m.–noon), and Sun., Jan. 28 (5–7:30 p.m.). Childcare is provided. Sign up by e-mailing Robert Ward.
Winter Clothing Needed || Safe House Ministries needs winter clothing, blankets, and personal hygiene items. Please bring donations to CrossPointe in a bag labeled “Safe House” and leave them behind the info desk in the foyer. Contact Keith Myers with any questions!
Church Plant Dinners with the Hawks || If you missed the recent informational lunch but would like to hear more about the vision for CrossPointe’s upcoming church plant, e-mail Will Hawk to get on the calendar for an informal dinner at their home.