Dear CrossPointe

At first glance, Romans 16:1–16 appears to be just a list of names and greetings and some final words by Paul at the end of this magnificent letter. While certainly this text doesn’t carry the theological punch of much of the rest of Romans, there are some important truths for us to consider in this passage. Who is Phoebe and what can we learn from her about the role of women in the church? What about this couple Prisca and Aquila? Why were they so special to Paul? And why does Paul mention the names that he does here? Looking forward to digging in with you Sunday!

Grace and peace,



Children’s Ministry Has “Moved Up” || If you are moving up to K–5th Grade this fall, get a head-start in Children’s Ministry! This will only affect Rooms 9, 10 & 11 and Kids’ Church, since all other rooms advance by age year-round. E-mail Cristin Wise with any questions!
VBS (June 24–28) || Mark your calendars! Registration for children and volunteers is already open! Click here to register.
Women’s Study: Philippians (e/o Sat., 9:30–11 a.m., June 15–July 27) || Diane Neal will lead the group through this short letter over four Saturdays (June 15 & 29, July 13 & 27). The group will meet at the park at 727 54th St. (children welcome!). For more information, text Diane (334-560-6514).

Ladies’ Lunch (June 18, 11:30 a.m.) || Join the women of CrossPointe for fellowship over lunch ($5 Chicken Salad Chick) as we hear from one of our own. Childcare is available starting at 9:30 a.m. RSVP to Allie Webb.

Midweek Fellowship (Wed., 5:45 p.m., June 19–July 31) || Join us for seven weeks of fellowship with an emphasis on prayer. Dinner ($5/person; $20/family) starts at 5:45 p.m., followed by worship, teaching, and prayer in the sanctuary at 6:30. Childcare is provided! RSVP by Tuesday to Allie Webb.
VBS Work Days (June 22 & 23) || Help set up for Vacation Bible School! We’ll have lunch and childcare both days:

  • Sat., June 22, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Sun., June 23, after worship ‘til everything’s done!