Dear CrossPointe,
I’ve missed you these last two weeks! Jennifer and I had a wonderful trip to the United Arab Emirates and India but we’re glad to be home and look forward to gathering with you all this Sunday. Praise God for the Tyler and Robert’s messages these last two weeks. I’ve been encouraged to hear from a number of you how you were helped by the Word preached. Praise God.
This Sunday we find ourselves back in Romans as we look at Romans 14:1–12. You may remember we began Romans 14 a month ago on Palm Sunday, the day our service was moved to the evening due to weather. The point of Romans 14 is how we should get along in the body of Christ and how we are to love one another more than we love our own freedom in Christ.
At issue in the church in Rome were differing views on foods you could eat and whether Christians should still observe the Sabbath. Paul speaks to two groups in the church—those whose consciences are weaker and more restrictive, and those whose consciences are stronger and feel free to eat whatever and don’t pay much attention to particular days. While Paul actually sides with the strong, he makes the point that our liberty in the gospel should cause us to love one another, not make each other stumble in the exercise of our freedom.
His point really is that we aren’t meant to live for ourselves. We’ve been freed, liberated by the gospel for something greater than just our personal freedom. We are to live for and in honor of the Lord. And when a local body of believers gets this they are truly free—free to glorify God with one voice (Romans 15:5–7).
Be sure to read Romans 14:1–12 a few times before Sunday. Try and think through Paul’s logic on your own. Invite a friend. Come a little early and look for people to encourage. After the service, hang around for a while, buy some goodies for the Uganda team bake sale and take somebody to lunch.
Can’t wait to see you all!
Baby Bottle Boomerang (May 12–June 16) || Help us raise money for Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic by filling baby bottles with loose change. (Checks are welcome as well!) Grab a bottle in the foyer this Sunday.
Men’s & Women’s Prayer Groups || Meet at CrossPointe to pray for the needs of our church and individual requests. There are two groups: one for men (every Thurs. at 6 a.m.) and one for women (every Mon. at 10 a.m.).
Young Adults (every other Wed., 6 p.m., May 15 next) || Join us for fellowship and discipleship at the Kirkpatricks’. Contact Tyler with questions.
Member Meeting (May 19, 6 p.m.) || CrossPointe’s members meet bi-monthly to welcome new members, hear updates on various aspects of church life, and share fellowship with one another. Childcare is available.
Ladies’ Lunch (May 21, 11:30 a.m.) || Join the women of CrossPointe for food ($5 Chicken Salad Chick) and fellowship. Childcare is provided starting at 9:30 a.m. RSVP to Allie Webb.
VBS (June 24–28) || Mark your calendars! Registration for children and volunteers is already open. Just click here.