Dear CrossPointe,

I’m eager to gather with you all around God’s Word this Sunday. It’s been a difficult week for many in the region as well as quite a few in our church family, but what a blessing it is to draw near to the Lord together and consider his mercy and grace toward us. Our text this Sunday is Luke 13:1–5, in which Jesus directs his listeners to repent and turn to the Lord in light of two recent catastrophes. At first his words are difficult to understand, but, as we’ll see, Christ’s perspective is exactly what we need.

I look forward to seeing you all Sunday. Read the text, invite a friend, and be sure to set your clocks an hour forward!

In Christ,



Member Meeting (Sunday, 6 p.m.) || CrossPointe’s members meet bi-monthly to welcome new members, hear updates on various aspects of church life, and share fellowship with one another. Childcare is available.
Midweek Fellowship (Wed., 5:45 p.m., Feb. 6–Mar. 13) || Join us for six weeks of fellowship with an emphasis on prayer. Dinner ($5/person; $20/family) starts at 5:45 p.m., followed by worship, teaching, and prayer in the sanctuary at 6:30. Childcare is provided! RSVP by Tuesday to Allie Webb.
Child Dedication (Mar. 17) || If you are a member of CP who has welcomed a child into your family recently, consider participating in our child dedication as we commit together to point our children to Christ. Please e-mail Robert Ward to sign up.
Young Adults (every other Wed., 6 p.m., starting Mar. 20) || Join us for fellowship and discipleship at the Kirkpatricks’. Contact Tyler with questions.
Young Adult Bonfire (Mar. 23) || Meet at the Neals’ (4241 Uchee Hill Seale, Ala.) for dinner, games, and a bonfire. Dinner starts at 5 p.m., but you’re welcome to arrive as early as 2:30. Contact Allie Webb to RSVP.