Dear CrossPointe,

The main point of Romans 11 is that God is not done with ethnic Israel even though a majority of Jews have rejected Jesus. Throughout time he’s been preserving a small remnant of believing Jews, and he will save a great number of Jews in the future—all to the praise of his glorious name. In our text this week, Romans 11:11–24, Paul addresses believing Gentiles who have benefitted from the unbelief of Israel. He warns them not to be proud but fear God, and reminds them that God is not done fulfilling his promises to Israel. In the end, this will result in exceedingly great riches for all of God’s people. 

Now, a passage like this may seem somewhat technical and theologically complicated to apply to our everyday lives. But, as I’m sure you’d expect me to say: that’s not the case at all! There’s much for us to glean about the character of God and his faithfulness in this passage. In particular, v22 tells us to “Note then the kindness and severity of God.” Contrast this biblical description of God’s character with the caricatures of this world, whether it be a god of love that never judges, or an angry tyrant devoid of mercy and grace. How important it is that we see God as he has revealed himself—full of grace and truth, executing justice and granted mercy, both kind and severe. 

Read the text a few times before Sunday and let’s come ready to lean in together.

Also, this Sunday night at 6 p.m. we’ll have a member meeting. Lots of important things going on, including a congregational vote on two elder candidates. If you’re a member, would you please join us? It’s super important for our life together as a church. I hope to see you there. 

Grace and peace!



Member Meeting (Sunday, 6 p.m.) || CrossPointe’s members meet bi-monthly to welcome new members and hear updates on church life. We’ll also vote to affirm John Faught and John Illges as elders. Childcare is available.
No Youth Sunday || See you at the member meeting!
Connect ’19 (Jan. 19, 8:30 a.m.–noon) || Join the women of CrossPointe for our conference all about discipleship! We’ll have a light breakfast, followed by worship led by women of CP, and a message on discipleship from Edith Moyana. There will also be a panel on discipleship in various seasons of life. Childcare will be available for those who need it. Registration costs $10/person and can be paid in person or online. Click here to sign up!
Ice Skating at Civic Center (Jan. 19, 1:30–3:30 p.m.) || CrossPointe has been given two hours of ice-skating at the Civic Center! (Skate rentals are free too.) Bring your Community Group, neighbor, family, etc., for a fun afternoon!
Starting Pointe Membership Class (Jan. 26–27) || Learn what we believe, how the church works, and what our mission is. The class is divided into two sessions: Sat., Jan. 26, 9 a.m.–noon; and Sun., Jan. 27, 5–7:30 p.m. (Childcare will be available.) Contact Robert Ward to sign up!
Marriage, Parenting & Money (Mon., 6:30–8 p.m., Jan. 28–Mar. 18) || Reynold & Danielle Counts are leading this study in their home. The group is open to 10 couples, and childcare will be available. Sign up by e-mailing Danielle.
Spring Community Groups || Groups pray, study the Bible (or a book), and often share meals together. Keep an eye on the board in the foyer and our website for group info! Contact Robert Ward if you need a recommendation!
Women’s Studies Starting Soon || Look for books in the Resource Room!

  • Wisdom Books (Tues., 10–11:30 a.m., Jan. 8–Mar. 5): Sherry Duncan and Elayne Saucier will lead using Nancy Guthrie’s The Wisdom of God. Childcare is available. RSVP.
  • The Shaping of a Christian Family (Tues., Jan. 15–Mar. 26, 6–7:30 p.m.): Read Elisabeth Elliot’s book together. Melany Raborn will lead. Childcare TBD based on availability. RSVP by Jan. 10.
  • 2 Timothy (Thurs., 9:30–11 a.m., Jan. 24–Mar. 28): Spend two weeks on Bible study basics as well. Karen Rosa and Amy Ward will lead using the NavPress guide. Childcare is available. RSVP.
  • Even Better Than Eden (Mon., 7 p.m., Jan. 28–Mar. 25): Read Nancy Guthrie’s book on 9 ways the Bible’s story changes yours. Anne Lyle Illges will lead in the home of John & Lyle Illges. RSVP.