Dear CrossPointe,

What a joy it’s been the past three weeks as we have studied and seen how our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is our ultimate prophet, priest, and king. As Christmas Day approaches, it is fitting for us to study the birth of Jesus from Luke 2:1–21, and I am so eager to lead us in opening God’s word to consider the gospel in the story of the first Christmas.

I look forward to what God has to teach us about himself through his word and by his Spirit. Please join me in praying that dead hearts would be awakened and believers would be encouraged this Sunday.

Love you, church!

Reuben Moyana


No Children’s Ministry (Dec. 23 & 30) || 
Bring your children into the sanctuary as we worship the Lord together!

Christmas Eve Service (Dec. 24, 5:30 p.m.) || CrossPointe and Mid Tree Church will gather to celebrate the birth of Christ through Scripture and song. Children can wear their pj’s, and we’ll have cider and cookies, too!
Spring Community Groups || Find discipleship in the context of small-groups oriented around the gospel. Groups pray, study the Bible (or a biblical book), and often share meals together. Keep an eye on the board in the foyer as well as our website for groups’ info! All members are encouraged to commit to a group. Contact Robert Ward if you need a group recommendation!
Women’s Studies Starting Soon || Look for books in the Resource Room!

  • Wisdom Books (Tues., 10–11:30 a.m., Jan. 8–Mar. 5): Sherry Duncan and Elayne Saucier will lead using Nancy Guthrie’s The Wisdom of God. Childcare is available. RSVP
  • The Shaping of a Christian Family (Tues., Jan. 8–Mar. 19, 6–7:30 p.m.): Read Elisabeth Elliot’s book together. Melany Raborn will lead. Childcare TBD based on availability. RSVP (by Jan. 3)
  • 2 Timothy (Thurs., 9:30–11 a.m., Jan. 24–Mar. 28): Spend two weeks on Bible study basics as well. Karen Rosa and Amy Ward will lead using the NavPress guide. Childcare is available. RSVP
  • Even Better Than Eden (Mon., 7 p.m., Jan. 28–Mar. 25): Read Nancy Guthrie’s book on 9 ways the Bible’s story changes yours. Anne Lyle Illges will lead in the home of John & Lyle Illges. RSVP

Member Meeting (Jan. 13, 6 p.m.) || CrossPointe’s members meet bi-monthly to welcome new members, hear updates on various aspects of church life, and share fellowship with one another. We’ll also vote to affirm elder candidates John Faught and John Illges. Childcare is available.
Updating Our Member Directory || If you are a member of CrossPointe, please update your information for our directory. (It only takes a few minutes, and you can update your picture, too!) Click here!
Connect ’19 (Jan. 19, 8:30 a.m.–noon) || Join the women of CrossPointe for our conference all about discipleship! Sign up online. We’ll have a light breakfast, and childcare will be available for those who need it. Registration costs $10/person and can be paid in person or online.