Dear CrossPointe,

In our short series on the “offices” of Christ, we’ve seen how Jesus is our prophetand priest. Like the prophets of the Old Testament, Christ warns us of God’s judgment and reminds us of his word. And like the priests of the Old Testament, he intercedes on our behalf, atoning for our sin as only he can. But there’s a third office which rounds out our understanding of who Jesus is—king.

Kings are probably the more familiar to us of the three. Not everyone knows the name of a priest or prophet, but one of the most well-known figures of the Bible, David, is almost synonymous with the term. It’s fitting, then, that our text this Sunday (2 Samuel 7) examines the relationship between God and Israel’s best king. God’s covenant with David is a pattern meant to point us to David’s son, the King of kings.

Please read ahead for Sunday, and come ready to worship Christ together!

Grace & peace,



Young Adult Christmas Party (Dec. 15, 6:30–9 p.m.) || Bring your favorite Christmas dessert and a $10 white elephant gift. Holiday attire is strongly encouraged. Meet at the home of Dan & Andrea Reese (72 Stoneridge Ct., Cataula). RSVP to Andy Reese.

Highland Church Christmas Store || Between now and Dec. 16, we’re collecting toys (ages 5–8) for Highland to sell at a discount. (Please drop off gifts in the foyer.) Find wish-list(s) here, sign up to volunteer here, or contact Cristin Wise with questions!

Updating Our Member Directory || If you are a member of CrossPointe, please update your information for our directory. (It only takes a few minutes, and you can update your picture, too!) Click here!
Ladies’ Lunch (Dec. 18, 11:30 a.m.) || Join the women of CrossPointe for fellowship over lunch ($5 Chicken Salad Chick). Childcare starts at 9:30 a.m. Be sure to RSVP to Allie Webb for food and/or childcare.
No Children’s Ministry (Dec. 23 & 30) || Bring your children into the sanctuary as we worship the Lord together!
Christmas Eve Service (Dec. 24, 5:30 p.m.) || CrossPointe and Mid Tree Church will gather to celebrate the birth of Christ through Scripture and song. Children can wear their pj’s, and we’ll have cider and cookies, too!
Youth Winter Retreat (Dec. 29–Jan. 1) || Ski ($290), snowboard ($300), or just hang out ($150) with us in Winterplace, W. Va. Payment is due Dec. 15. Register online. Contact Tyler Kirkpatrick if you have any questions or would like to sponsor a student.
CrossCon (Jan. 2–5) || All 18–25-year-olds are invited to join us in Louisville for this missions conference. Contact Springer Cain for more information.
Women’s Study: Wisdom Books (Tues., 10–11:30 a.m., Jan. 8–Mar. 5) || We’ll study the Psalms and Wisdom books using Nancy Guthrie’s The Wisdom of God(in the Resource Room). Sherry Duncan and Elayne Saucier will lead, and childcare will be available. RSVP to Elayne.

Member Meeting (Jan. 13, 6 p.m.) || CrossPointe’s members meet bi-monthly to welcome new members, hear updates on various aspects of church life, and share fellowship with one another. We’ll also vote to affirm elder candidates John Faught and John Illges. Childcare is available.