Dear CrossPointe,
This Sunday we'll finish up Romans 8 as we work through verses 35-39. The truth contained in this text is breathtakingly marvelous. Romans 8 began with the promise of "no condemnation" for those in Christ and ends with the assurance of "no separation" for those whom God has loved in Christ Jesus. Our plan will be to consider the text, then zoom out and examine and apply the beautiful truth of the perseverance of the saints. Looking forward to digging in with you!
Grace and peace,
Children’s Ministry “Move-up” Next Sunday (June 3) || If you are moving up to K–5th Grade this fall, get a head-start in Children’s Ministry! This will only affect Room 11 and Kids’ Church, since all other rooms advance by age year-round. E-mail Cristin Wise with any questions!
Men’s Study: The Holy Spirit (Sat., 9:30 a.m., starting June 2) || Drew Nelson will be leading a study on the Holy Spirit using Jared Wilson’s book Supernatural Power for Everyday People. The group will meet for 10 weeks at Midtown Coffee. E-mail Drew if you’ll be there.
Register for VBS today! || Vacation Bible School is coming June 25–29, and rising K–5th-grade students are invited. To register your child or volunteer, sign up here.
Clothing for Safe House || Safe House Ministries needs clothing, blankets, and personal hygiene items. Please bring donations to CrossPointe in a bag labeled “Safe House” and leave them behind the info desk in the foyer. Contact Keith Myers with any questions!
Baby Bottle Boomerang (May 13–June 17) || Grab a bottle from the foyer and support Sound Choices pregnancy clinic by filling it with loose change (cash and checks are acceptable as well!). Be sure to return your bottle by Father’s Day. For more info about Sound Choices, click here.