Dear CrossPointe,

We're back in Romans this Sunday with a look at Romans 8:31-34. Martyn Lloyd-Jones called Romans 8:31-39 a "grand staircase" which takes us higher and higher until it culminates with no separation for those who are in Christ. I think he's right! Paul's argument in this text is really just a string of consequences that flow from the gospel that he's established in Romans up to this point. Our plan is to unpack vv. 31-34 this week, and then we'll finish up with vv. 35-39 the following. 

Also, since we've had a few guests preaching the last two Sundays, we have not celebrated communion yet this month so we plan to come the Lord's Table together this Sunday. Let's read the text, prepare our hearts, and feast on the gospel together. 

Looking forward to seeing you all!



Men’s Study: The Holy Spirit (Sat., 9:30 a.m., starting June 2) || Drew Nelson will be leading a study on the Holy Spirit using Jared Wilson’s book Supernatural Power for Everyday People. The group will meet for 10 weeks at Midtown Coffee. E-mail Drew if you’ll be there.
Register for VBS today! || Vacation Bible School is coming June 25–29, and rising K–5th-grade students are invited. To register your child or volunteer, sign up here.
Children’s Ministry Move-up (June 3) || All rising K-5th students will move up a class on Sunday, June 3, and rising 6th-graders will be in the sanctuary! E-mail Cristin Wise with any questions. 

Baby Bottle Boomerang (May 13–June 17) || Grab a bottle from the foyer and support Sound Choices pregnancy clinic by filling it with loose change (cash and checks are acceptable as well!). Be sure to return your bottle by Father’s Day. For more info about Sound Choices, click here.