Guest Speaker 35 (1)

Dear CrossPointe,


It’s our joy to have Pastor Mwindula Mbewe with us this Sunday. If his last name sounds familiar, that’s because we have had the joy to have his father, Pastor Conrad Mbewe, with us twice before. 


Pastor Mwindula has recently planted a church in Zambia out of his father’s church and I’m very much looking forward to hearing this brother open the Word for us. His text will be Philippians 2:3–8 and his title is “Defeating Pride.” I suspect we all need this word on one level or another. 


Church, I love hearing from brothers from other parts of the world. It enlarges my heart. It builds my faith. It makes me more aware of all that God is doing. And, it humbles me to remember that the Lord is up to much more than just what I can see. 


Looking forward to seeing you Sunday!


In Christ,

