
Connect '11 is almost here!  We are so excited about the fantastic line-up in store for this Saturday, March 26th and already have an awesome group of women joining us for this great day of worship and fellowship.  If you haven't registered yet, there is still time! 

The registration form is HERE and includes everything you need to know.  You can also look at this blog post for the breakdown of morning workshops.  All you have to do to join the fun is send your name and e-mail address along with your 1st and 2nd choices for EACH session to by Wednesday, March 23rd.  

The cost of the event is $10 and includes breakfast, lunch and the event.  You are welcome to pay at the door.  If you find that the price is keeping you away... DON'T let it! All CrossPointe women are welcome, regardless of your ability to pay.

We also have a list of CrossPointe Youth who are willing to babysit if you need them.  You can download the babysitting list HERE and feel free to call these beautiful young women for this event or for any of your babysitting needs.  

OK, enough logistics!  Come and join us this Saturday, March 26th!  From 8:30am until 3:00pm.  You will be so glad you did!  And feel free to e-mail Jennifer with any questions at  

See you there!