Can a person come to a saving knowledge of God without hearing about or believing in Jesus?
It's a common question, and a very important one. Mike Bullmore, a pastor in Wisconsin and member of The Gospel Coalition gives a very good response to the question.
Mike's clear and correct answer is no, a person cannot be saved outside of hearing and believing in Jesus. Of course, in a pluralistic age, this is an unpopular answer, but it is the only biblical answer.
The implications for churches and Christians are profound and obvious. It is the Gospel--the good news of what God did in Christ on the Cross--that saves. Not programs. Not self-help techniques. Not pragmatism. Not relevant environments. Not church attendance. Not good works. Only Jesus. His death on the Cross as our sin-bearing wrath absorbing substitute fully satisfied God's justice against our rebellion and turned that wrath into favor and eternal life for all those that repent and believe in Jesus. It is the only thing that saves us. And, it should be our only message.
Take a moment to hear Mike Bullmore's explanation of how the New Testament especially makes this abundantly clear.