No Kids’ Church on Sunday
There will be no Kids’ Church on Sunday, July 22, so that elementary-aged children can worship with their families!
Last Sunday for Member Directory
This Sunday is the last official day for member directory pictures. If you are a member and have not had your picture taken, please come to the classroom by the cafe before or after the worship service. Remember, pictures and information cards will be done for individual adult members (no need to dress up the kids or wear matching shirts!).
Starting Pointe Membership Class
Anyone considering membership at CrossPointe must attend Starting Pointe, a three-part membership class. The next Starting Pointe will take place August 24 (6:30–9 p.m.), 25 (9 a.m. – noon) and 26 (6:30–9 p.m.). Childcare will be provided. If you want to attend, please e-mail Robert Ward.
Kits for Kids Packing on Saturday
CrossPointe has partnered with Highland Community Church to give school supplies to local children in need. Now that items have been collected, there are still two more opportunities to help this cause. Volunteers are needed to pack backpacks with supplies on Saturday, July 21, at 9 a.m. Backpacks will also be distributed on Saturday, July 28, at 9 a.m. Both events will takes place at Highland Church. For more information, please contact Tony & Karen Gaskins (706-322-4731).
Kid-Keepers Needed
CrossPointe regularly needs volunteers to care for children at various events on Sundays and throughout the week. Volunteers are paid. Please e-mail Becca Fincher if you are interested in being on the list of those willing to serve.
Concert to Benefit Adoptive Families (August 10)
Brad Griffith, a member of CrossPointe, will hold a CD-release concert for his new album, Earth & Vine, on Friday, August 10, starting at 7 p.m. at CrossPointe. Admission is free, but CD sales will benefit adoptive families in our community.