Men’s Lunch (Jan. 8) & Ladies’ Lunch (Jan. 15) || CrossPointe’s men and women gather monthly for lunch ($5 Chick-fil-A). Men, RSVP to Springer Cain if you’ll be there on Tuesday, Jan. 8, at noon. Ladies, RSVP to Sigourney Ward if you’ll be there on Tuesday, Jan. 15, at noon. Childcare will be provided!
“One Another” Meeting (Jan. 13, 6–7:30 p.m.) || Every other month CrossPointe’s members gather to consider matters pertinent to the life of the church. Childcare will be provided.
Missions Conference (Jan. 25–27) || We’ll hear from many of the missionaries and organizations we support.
· Friday, Jan. 25: dessert (7 p.m.)
· Saturday, Jan. 26: ladies' brunch; youth lunch (noon); banquet (6 p.m.)
Baptism Sunday (Feb. 10) || Water baptism is a symbol of the Christian’s unity with Christ in death to sin and renewed life to God. If you would like to be baptized, please e-mail Wayne Shealy.
Starting Pointe Membership Class (Feb. 22–24) || Anyone considering membership at CrossPointe must attend this three-part class being held Feb. 22 (6:30–9 p.m.), 23 (9 a.m.–noon) and 24 (6–7:30 p.m.). Childcare will be provided. To register, e-mail Robert Ward.
Child Dedication (March 10) || CrossPointe will dedicate our newly born/adopted children to the Lord on Sunday, March 10. Interested parents must attend a class on Sunday, March 3, at 8:45 a.m. Childcare will be provided. Please e-mail Sigourney Ward to sign up.