Dear CrossPointe,

In light of reports around the world of Christians suffering at the hands of brutal regimes and terrorist groups, and the increasing hostility of our own culture, our text this week, Matthew 5:10–12, is timely for us. In this last Beatitude, Jesus says that when his people are mistreated and hated by the world because of him, it is a sign of being blessed not abandoned. But there is much more we need to say and unpack from this short text.

Take some time to read through it a few times before Sunday. I'm really looking forward to thinking through this important truth with you Sunday.

Grace and peace,


Ladies’ Gathering: “Come See, Come Hear” (Oct. 30–31) || All women are invited to come worship God, hear from our three speakers, and get to know one another better—all while we study the book of Ruth! We’ll enjoy dinner Friday night (6–9 p.m.) and brunch on Saturday (9 a.m.–noon). The total cost is $10/person, and childcare will be provided for those who need it. Visit the table in the foyer or sign up online here.

40 Days for Life (Oct. 2, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.) || Visit the table in the foyer to sign up for a time to pray outside the abortion clinic at 3850 Rosemont Dr.

Info Meeting: Haiti Mission Trip (Oct. 4, noon) || CrossPointe is sending a team to Haiti, Jan. 14–18. The cost will be $1000/person. Contact Springer Cain if you’d like to attend this informational meeting. (We’ll have lunch!)

MWF: The Christian & Culture (Wed., 5:45–7:30 p.m., Oct. 7–Nov. 4) || This series will focus on homosexuality, abortion, race relations, politics, and social media. As always, meals are $5/person, and childcare is provided.

Women’s Sewing Group (Sept. 28, 3–6 p.m.) || Join other women from the church as we get to know one another and sew together! The group meets on the last Monday of the month, and childcare is available. Contact Lory Wood for more details and to request childcare.

Fall Picnic (Nov. 11, 11 a.m.) || Mark your calendar for our Veterans Day picnic at Flat Rock Park! We’ll provide the fried chicken and drinks, and every family is asked to bring a side to share.

Ski Retreat (Dec. 31–Jan. 3) || Details will be announced soon, but go ahead and mark your calendar for our annual youth (and family) retreat!

Child Dedication Class (Oct. 11, 9 a.m.) || If you would like to dedicate your newborn or adopted child to the Lord on Sunday, Oct. 25, you must first attend this class in Classroom B. Contact Wayne Shealy to sign up!

Sunday Morning Classes (9–10 a.m., Sept. 13–Nov. 22) || There are two studies, one on the Apostles’ Creed (Ron Mullins teaching) and another on prayer, using Tim Keller’s book as a guide (Robert Ward teaching; class ends Oct. 25). Childcare is provided. Contact Nicole Carey to sign up!

Women’s Study: Philippians (Mon., 9:30–11 a.m., Sept. 14–Nov. 9) || This study meets in Classroom B and uses Carrie Gaul’s Joy in the Midst as a guide. Contact Melany Raborn (706-718-5102) to sign up!

Women’s Study: Nehemiah (Mon., 6:30–8 p.m., Sept. 14–Dec. 14) || The group meets every other week starting Sept. 21 at 3915 Crestview Dr. in Columbus. Contact Lauren Wood to sign up!

Children’s Ministry Training (Oct. 18, 9 a.m.) || If you’ve signed up to serve or would like to get involved, please contact Cristin Wise to attend this class!