Dear CrossPointe,
How I’ve missed you! Robert and I had a great time ministering alongside some dear brothers and sisters in India, but I’m really looking forward to seeing you all Sunday. We’ll pick back up where Will left off (by the way, great work by him last two weeks!) as we look at Matthew 7:12–14.
The first verse in this text is one of the more familiar ones in the Bible, often called the “golden rule.” But while it’s familiar, it’s often misunderstood and misapplied. The danger of misunderstanding this truth is underscored by the next two verses where Jesus plainly declares there are only two ways to live. In this text, and for the rest of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus lays siege to ‘easy-believism’ and mere cultural or nominal Christianity. Take some time read the text before Sunday and pray for God to transform us!
See you Sunday,
Women’s Sewing (Feb. 29, 3–6 p.m.) || Meet at CrossPointe tomorrow to work on individual projects or learn how to sew! Contact Lory Wood to request childcare.
Men’s Lunch (March 1, noon) || Join us for lunch ($5 Chick-fil-A) at CrossPointe as we discuss Jerry Bridges’ book, The Transforming Power of the Gospel. RSVP to Springer Cain.
Midweek Fellowship (Wed., 5:45–7:30 p.m.; March 2–April 6) || Join us for a survey of the Old Testament! Dinner ($5/person or $20/family) starts at 5:45 p.m. and teaching in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. Childcare is available. RSVP for meals and childcare by contacting Nicole Carey.
Men’s Study: Luke 24 (Thurs., 7–8 a.m.; March 3–24) || Prepare for Easter by studying Luke’s account of the empty tomb, the road to Emmaus, Christ’s appearance to the disciples, and the ascension. Meet at CrossPointe, and contact Cecil Cheves if you’d like to participate!
Starting Pointe Membership Class (March 5–6) || Whether you’re interested in joining the church or just want to know more about CrossPointe, please join us for this two-session class (Sat., 9 a.m.–noon; Sun., 5–7 p.m.). Childcare is provided. Contact Robert Ward to sign up!
Children’s Ministry Training (March 13, 9 a.m.) || Bless the children and families of CrossPointe by serving in a room once every five weeks. Share the gospel, care for the “least of these,” and connect with members of the church and visitors! You can sign up for the next training by contacting Cristin Wise.
“One Another” Member Meeting (March 13, 6–7:30 p.m.) || CrossPointe’s members gather bi-monthly to discuss matters pertinent to the life of the church. Non-members are welcome to join us, and childcare is provided!