Dear CrossPointe,
India was a wonderful and fruitful time, but I’ve missed you! Looking forward to unpacking Romans 1:16–17 with you this Sunday. Martin Luther says this was the text that brought him to true faith in and understanding of the gospel. He called it the “sweetest word” and “truly the gate to paradise,” so I’m eager to work through it together this Sunday.
See you then!
Starting Pointe Membership Class (Feb. 11–12) || Membership in the local church is where Gospel, Community, and Mission intersect. Whether you’re interested in joining or just want to know more about CrossPointe, please come to this two-session class (Sat., 9 a.m.–noon; Sun., 5–7:30 p.m.). We’ll provide childcare as well as food. Contact Robert Ward to sign up!
Children’s Ministry Training (Feb. 12, 9 a.m.) || Learn more about how we care for the children God has entrusted to us every Sunday morning. To serve you must attend this class and complete a short application. Sign up by clicking here.
Sunday Morning Classes (Sun., 9–10 a.m., Feb. 5–April 9) || Three classes will be offered—one on evangelism taught by Kwame Agyemang, one on Martin Lloyd-Jones’ Spiritual Depression taught by Joseph Davis and Robert Ward, and an Old Testament survey taught by Reuben Moyana (starting Feb. 12). Childcare will be available. To sign up for a class and childcare, click here.
Child Dedication (Feb. 26) || If you are a member (or moving toward membership) and would like to dedicate your child to the Lord during the service on Sunday, Feb. 26, please contact Robert Ward.
MWF: James (Wed., 5:45–7:30 p.m., March 1–April 12) || Join us for dinner and fellowship every Wednesday night (except March 22) as we study James together! Dinner will start at 5:45 p.m., followed by teaching in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. Childcare will also be available.
“One Another” Member Meeting (March 5, 6–7:30 p.m.) || Every other month, members of the church gather to discuss matters pertinent to church life, affirm new members, and hear missions reports. Childcare is provided!
Activity Bags for Kids || Parents, in the event our Children’s Ministry is unable to watch your child during the service, we have put together activity bags to keep him or her occupied! Just grab one from behind the Information desk in the foyer (and be sure to return it afterward).
KidKeepers || We are always looking for people to help care for our children during church events outside Sunday morning. Volunteers are paid but must go through Children’s Ministry Training first. Contact Molly Copley to sign up!