Announcements, August 11, 2017
August 11, 2017Dear CrossPointe,
If you can run a marathon, how much more easily could you run a mile? If you can do the harder thing, then how much more can you accomplish the lesser? That’s Paul’s reasoning in our text this week, Romans 5:9–11. If we can be sure that God has done the seemingly impossible task of reconciling his former enemies to himself, then how much more certain can we be that he will finish the work and bring them safely home? That’s the point of this text, and I believe it is intended to produce assurance and grit for the Christian as we walk through this life. Looking forward to seeing you all this Sunday!
Grace and peace,
Ladies’ Lunch (Aug. 15, 11:30 a.m.) || Join the women of CrossPointe for lunch ($5 Chicken Salad Chick) and fellowship while we hear from one of our own! Childcare starts at 9:30 a.m. E-mail Stephen Knowles to sign up!
Community Groups || The Fall is a great time to start a small group, and we could use quite a few more! If you are a member of CrossPointe and would like to learn more about starting a group, please contact Robert Ward.
Women’s Studies || There are several studies coming up this Fall! Books will be available in the Resource Room soon.
- Tuesdays, 10–11:30 a.m., starting Sept. 5 (thru Nov. 7): Genesis (using Nancy Guthrie’s study The Promised One); taught by Elayne Saucier at CrossPointe; childcare available; RSVP to Elayne
- Tuesdays, 6 p.m., starting Sept. 12 (thru Oct. 24): “The Sermon on the Mount” (using Kay Arthur’s study Turning Your Heart toward God); taught by Melany Raborn at her house; RSVP to Melany
- Thursdays, 9:30 a.m., starting Aug. 31 (12 weeks): James (using the Navigators study guide); taught by Karen Rosa at CrossPointe; childcare available; RSVP to Karen
Men’s Studies || There are a couple studies coming up this Fall! Books will be available in the Resource Room soon.
- Tuesdays, 7–8 a.m., starting Aug. 29: Ephesians; taught by Robert Ward at CrossPointe; RSVP to Robert
- Thursdays, 7–8 a.m., starting Sept. 7: Parables by John MacArthur; taught by Cecil Cheves at CrossPointe; RSVP to Cecil
Marriage Study (every other Monday, 6:30–8 p.m., Aug. 28–Dec. 4) || Discuss marriage using Dave Harvey’s book When Sinners Say “I Do” as a guide (available in the Resource Room). The group will be co-led by Frank & Elayne Saucier, Bill & Melissa Harrison, and John & Lyle Illges at the Sauciers’ home. Sign up by e-mailing Elayne Saucier. Space is limited to 15 couples!
Cru at Fort Benning || Minister to basic trainees at Fort Benning by serving with Cru’s military ministry. Volunteers will lead Bible studies every Sunday afternoon, but if you aren’t comfortable teaching they’re also looking for people to write encouraging letters. If you'd like to get involved e-mail Nate Catching.
Prayer for the Nations (Sundays, 6 p.m.) || Meet at CrossPointe to pray for missions efforts around the world.