No Kids’ Church Sunday || Kids’ Church (1st–5th grades) takes the fifth Sunday of the month off so children can worship in the sanctuary with their families!

Starting Pointe (Sept. 12–14) || Our membership class has three sessions: Gospel (Fri., 6:30–9 p.m.), Community (Sat., 9 a.m.–noon), and Mission (Sun., 6–7:30 p.m.). Childcare is provided. Contact Robert Ward to sign up!

Women’s Study: Sermon on the Mount (Sept. 2–Nov. 11) || This 11-week study will meet at CrossPointe on Tuesdays at 9:30–11:30 a.m. Books will be available for purchase ($12), and childcare will be determined based on the needs of those who register. To sign up, please contact Karen Rosa (706-580-9185;

Young Adult Bible Study (Sept. 3, 7 p.m.) || Meet at the Hawks’ home for Bible study and fellowship starting this Wednesday. Contact Will Hawk for more information and directions.

Children’s Ministry Basic Training (Sept. 14, 9 a.m.) || All Children’s Ministry servants must attend this training (in Classroom B) before serving. There will be light breakfast and childcare. Contact Nicole Carey to sign up!

Systematic Theology for Women (Sept. 18–Nov. 13) || Both classes meet at CrossPointe on Thursdays at 9:30–11 a.m. Childcare is provided.
- Part I: Introduction, God’s Word, God, Man/Sin, Christ—led by Amy Ward and Beth Shealy. E-mail Beth to sign up!
- Part II: Holy Spirit, Salvation, Church, Last Things—led by Gwen Lewis and Hunter Beless. E-mail Gwen to sign up!