Dear CrossPointe,
This Sunday we’ll be in Matthew 11:28–30, where Jesus invites the heavy-laden to come to Him for rest. My hope is that this text and Jesus’ words to us will be a great encouragement for weary souls. Take some time read the text before Sunday and ask the Lord to do wonderful things among us.
Also, this upcoming week (April 11–15) the pastoral staff will be in Louisville, Ky., for a conference called Together for the Gospel. We’ve attended this bi-annual conference several times and it always proves to be a great encouragement for us. Please do pray that God would renew, strengthen, and sharpen us!
The following Sunday, April 17, Will Hawk will preach, and then we’ll start a series on the Old Testament book of Daniel.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Ladies’ Lunch (April 19, noon) || Join the women of CrossPointe as they study Jerry Bridges’ The Transforming Power of the Gospel. RSVP for childcare (starting at 10 a.m.) and/or lunch ($5, Chicken Salad Chick) by contacting Nicole Carey.
Lunch on the Grounds (May 1, after worship) || Stick around after the service and enjoy lunch together. Meals will be $5/person (not to exceed $20/family). Contact Nicole Carey to RSVP!
“One Another” Member Meeting (May 1, 6–7:30 p.m.) || CrossPointe’s members gather bi-monthly to discuss matters pertinent to the life of the church. (This meeting we’ll be voting to affirm Bill Harrison as elder.) Non-members are welcome to join us, and childcare is provided!
Starting Pointe Membership Class (May 14–15) || Membership in the local church is where Gospel, Community, and Mission intersect. Whether you’re interested in joining or just want to know more about CrossPointe, please join us for this two-session class (Sat., 9 a.m.–noon; Sun., 5–7 p.m.). Childcare is provided. Contact Robert Ward to sign up!
Newcomers’ Lunch (May 15, after worship) || If you’ve begun visiting CrossPointe in the last three months and would like to meet the pastors and learn more about the church, join us for lunch after the service in Classroom A. We’ll provide food and childcare! Contact Nicole Carey to sign up.
Youth: Summer Retreat (June 23–26) || Mark your calendars! Details TBA.
Vacation Bible School (July 11–15, 9 a.m.–noon) || Mark your calendar for this summer’s VBS! It will be open to rising K–5th graders. Check CrossPointe’s website in the coming days to register your child and/or volunteer to help!