Dear CrossPointe,

This Sunday we’ll be in Daniel 2, in which Daniel interprets the king’s dream. It’s an incredible and intense scene where God once again miraculously provides for and preserves his people.

This time, he works through the prayers and boldness of his people to be the means by which he provides. And then he uses the dream (which he gave to the king in the first place!) as a picture of his certain victory over the kingdoms of this world through the Kingdom of his Son, Jesus. It’s an incredible chapter to say the least!

Make sure you read it a few times before Sunday to get more out of it. Looking forward to digging into the text with you, and then coming around the Lord’s Table as a church family.

Grace and peace!


Secret Church (Tonight, 6:30 p.m.–12:30 a.m.) || Join us for a live simulcast at CrossPointe! David Platt will be teaching on this year’s theme, which is “A Global Gospel in a World of Religions.” Stay as long as you like. Childcare will be available until 9 p.m. RSVP to Springer Cain.

Lunch on the Grounds (May 1, after worship) || Stick around after the service and enjoy lunch together. Meals will be $5/person (not to exceed $20/family). Contact Nicole Carey to RSVP!

“One Another” Member Meeting (May 1, 6–7:30 p.m.) || CrossPointe’s members gather bi-monthly to discuss matters pertinent to the life of the church. (This meeting we’ll be voting to affirm Bill Harrison as elder.) Non-members are welcome to join us, and childcare is provided!

Men’s Lunch (May 3, noon) || Join us for lunch ($5 Chick-fil-A) as we discuss another chapter in Jerry Bridges’ The Transforming Power of the Gospel. E-mail Springer Cain to sign up!

National Day of Prayer (May 5) || The sanctuary will be available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. if you’d like to come pray individually or with a group.

Starting Pointe Membership Class (May 14–15) || Whether you’re interested in joining or just want to know more about CrossPointe, please attend this two-session class (Sat., 9 a.m.–noon; Sun., 5–7 p.m.). Childcare is provided. Contact Robert Ward to sign up!

Children’s Ministry Training (May 15, 9 a.m.) || Serve the children and families of CrossPointe! The first step is attending this quick training after which we’ll assign you to a specific room to serve every five weeks or so. Contact Cristin Wise to sign up!

Newcomers’ Lunch (May 15, after worship) || If you’ve begun visiting CrossPointe in the last three months and would like to meet the pastors and learn more about the church, join us for lunch after the service in Classroom A. We’ll provide food and childcare! Contact Nicole Carey to sign up.

Vacation Bible School (July 11–15, 9 a.m.–noon) || Mark your calendar for VBS! It will be open to rising K–5th graders for a cost of $20, the proceeds of which will support Clement Arts. To register your child(ren) or volunteer to serve, click here.

Photography Team Volunteers Needed || Help photograph different church events like child dedications, baptisms, etc. Contact Brandon Barnes for more information!

Hosting International Students || Three Chinese students (all male; rising 9th–10th grades) will be attending Brookstone School in the Fall if they can find host families. This is a year-long commitment with a monthly stipend of roughly $1000. Contact Li Mickey for more information.